One-click CD Converter Interface: Settings window

This window appears every time you select one of "Convert to..." items in the right-click menu. This dialog is used to set desired output sound quality and the folder where converted files to be placed. Choose one of quick presets ("Low", "Normal" or "High") to save your time or set desired bitrate manually ("Custom"). "Options" button is used to configure CD Converter for your needs and allows to set CDDB and encoding options, and some other settings, such as pattern of filenames. Options window may also be invoked from Converter's shortcut in the "Start" menu.

Use "Low" preset, if you are preparing audio files for MP3-players or on-line music stores. It provides enough well quality and compact size
"Normal" preset is recommended for home music collections. Fine quality and medium size
Choose "High" preset, if you are melomaniac or music professional. Excellent quality and big size.